Aggregated News

WITH her neat clothes and immaculate make-up, Lucy Sutton looks like a career woman in control of every detail in her life.

And appearances are not deceptive – she has even taken charge of her own fertility.

In May, Lucy – 34 and single – took the radical decision of freezing her eggs to let her conceive in future when she finds a long-term partner.

She is one of a new generation of thirty-something “social” egg freezers determined to secure their shot at motherhood.

And thanks to a new flash-freezing technique called vitrification, which minimises damage to the eggs, their numbers are growing.

The Bridge Centre fertility clinic in London has treated 30 women since it first started offering the procedure and has another 100 booked in for consultations.

Lucy says: “I always assumed I could have a baby whenever I wanted but then it dawned on me that wasn’t the case.

“I think women can get fooled by looking at pictures of older celebs having their first baby – biologically your fertility declines massively in your thirties.

“I wasn’t...