Aggregated News

The Canadian flag (Red, White, and the another Red strip with a red maple leaf in the middle of the white section of flag) waving in the trees in front of a large body of water.

Prime Minister Trudeau has stated it is time for Canadians to have a discussion about payment for surrogacy, eggs, and sperm.

This comes on the heels of a press conference held on March 27, in which Liberal Member of Parliament Anthony Housefather announced his plan to introduce a private member’s bill that would create an open market in reproductive capabilities and tissues.

The Assisted Human Reproduction Act permits reimbursement of receipted expenditures for surrogacy and gamete donation and prohibits payment for same.

Housefather wants to eliminate the act’s commitment to prohibit “trade in the reproductive capabilities of women and men and the exploitation of children, women and men for commercial ends.” And, more specifically, he wants to remove the prohibitions on payment for surrogacy and the sale of human eggs and sperm.

While the arguments in support of this plan have been swirling around for some time, they perpetuate a great deal of misinformation.

First, there is the claim, that Canadians are forced to go to the United States to engage in assisted reproduction because of a lack of availability...