Aggregated News

LONDON — A 60-year-old woman determined to use her dead daughter’s frozen eggs to give birth to her own grandchild won a crucial legal victory on Thursday in second-highest court in Britain.

The woman, referred to by the Court of Appeal in London as Mrs. M., said she wanted to honor the last dying wish of her daughter, who died of bowel cancer in 2011 at the age of 28. The daughter had been adamant that she wanted her mother to carry her baby and have her parents raise the child.

The ruling is not the final word on the matter: The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, the governmental agency that blocked Mrs. M.’s effort, said on Thursday that it would reconsider the case as soon as possible in light of the court’s judgment.

The authority, the government’s independent fertility regulatory body, ruled in 2014 that the daughter’s eggs could not be removed from London and taken to a clinic in New York.

Mrs. M. wanted to use the eggs to create an embryo with sperm from an...