Aggregated News

BEIJING (Reuters) - China has announced a crackdown on the country's growing fertility sector, vowing to rein in the illegal use of sperm donors and surrogate mothers.

The move is to make sure fertility clinics do not put profit ahead of people's health, the Ministry of Health said in a statement on its Web site (

"There are cases of illegal trade in embryos from time to time," it said. "The lack of management over the issue will slow down the development of technology and also harm people's right to health."

"Provincial health authorities should take concrete measures to prevent the technology used for human fertility and sperm banks from being commercialized and industrialized," the statement added.

"The numbers of the places that can use this technology should be strictly controlled," it added.

People who collect or provide sperm donations without authorization will be "severely punished", the statement said.

Having children to ensure the family name is passed on is still an entrenched tradition in China. Not having descendants was once considered to bring shame upon your family.

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