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parents with a baby in the middle

The European Commission, the European Union (EU) executive responsible for proposing legislation, has proposed new regulation to allow parenthood rights to follow families across member states.

The proposed regulation is a key action in the EU strategies on the rights of the child and LGBT+ equality. Member states would not have to grant legal parenthood to LGBT+ families, or to families created through surrogacy; however, they would be obliged to recognise parenthood relationships legally established in other EU jurisdictions.

'All children should have the same rights irrespective of how they were conceived or born and of their type of family,' said EU justice commissioner Didier Reynders, who presented the proposal.

The Commission estimates around two million children living in the EU could benefit from the regulation. European Commission vice president Věra Jourová, said that the potential lack of parental recognition between EU member states 'puts children at risk, as they would not have guaranteed access to their rights' and that the proposals seek to ensure 'when a family moves from one member state to another, they remain a family'.
