Aggregated News

LELAND -- After years of battles with the state, Elnora Mills is still waiting for a final payment from a compensation program for victims of the state's eugenics program.

"It makes me mad," Mills said after receiving a June 17 letter from the N.C. Department of Administration telling her that the state didn't know how much her third, and final, payment will be nor when she will receive it.

"I've been fighting them since 2012. It's taken a toll on me," she said.

Mills was sterilized by the state, and without her knowledge, in 1967 when she was 16 years old while at a hospital for an appendix removal operation. She was part of the state's eugenics program, which sterilized more than 7,000 men and women state officials deemed unfit to procreate.

"What they did to us was wrong," she said. "I didn't find out until I was married that I'd been fixed and couldn't have no children."

The letter is the latest in different answers Mills has received from lawyers and state officials. She's said she's been told...