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While most people aren’t extremely concerned about what gender child they have, it’s becoming more and more important to some – partly due to the balancing of families, and sometimes due to health issues which only are present in male or female children. Whatever the reason, there has been an increase in people seeking gender selection of their child using advanced reproductive technologies. This is legal in the United States, but is forbidden for religious, ethical, and cultural reasons in many countries, which cause some individuals from other countries to seek this service in the United States, with nobody in their home country being any wiser for it.

A report from The Charlotte Observer says that about one in every eight U.S. women of reproductive age and their partners who wish to become pregnant have difficulty getting pregnant, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. That’s partly due to the fact that women are waiting longer than ever to start childbearing, partially because they want to have careers and relationships well under way before they become parents...