Aggregated News

Today, GeneWatch UK has written to the chair of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), Suzi Leather, asking for decisions about applications to clone human embryos for research to be open and transparent (1).

Yesterday, the Roslin Institute submitted an application to the HFEA to clone human embryos (2). The HFEA will not publish the application and holds meetings to consider the research in secret.

GeneWatch has written to the HFEA on four occasions since the first application to clone human embyros from Newcastle University, asking for applications to be made public to enable informed comment, but the HFEA has ignored the question (3).

"Whether we go ahead with the cloning of human embryos is an important issue for society, but the HFEA decides for us behind closed doors. There may be reasons to allow embryo cloning research to take place, but this must not be based on false hype and speculation about future cures for diseases", said Dr Sue Mayer, GeneWatch_s Director. "The HFEA is behaving more like a dinosaur, than a modern institution. Paternalism has no place...