Aggregated News

Taking a serious note of the poor implementation of pre-conception and pre-natal diagnostics techniques (prohibition of sex selection) (PCPNDT) Act, the Uttar Pradesh state government has decided to review the matter. Chief secretary Atul Gupta is likely to head a committee constituted for this purpose, sources said.

The state machinery reportedly got into action after a Government of India team went on a random inspection to see whether the said act was being implemented in the state effectively or not. The general observation made by the committee was that ‘‘the act was being rampantly violated in UP".

Lauding certain efforts to check violation of the act in the recent past, the team went a step further and concluded: “Nabbing diagnostic or ultrasound centres violating provisions under pre-conception and pre-natal diagnostics techniques (prohibition of sex selection) (PCPNDT) Act is not enough. The state desperately needs disposal of pending cases and book the wrong-doers so as to create fear among the fraternity."

It maintained that certain violators have started taking shortcuts by paying the fine. "But, this is not a healthy trend...