Aggregated News

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Irish couples expecting babies via surrogacy in Ukraine are expected to receive special diplomatic assistance amid concerns over the security situation there.

Around 16 families have contacted Fine Gael senator Mary Seery-Kearney after she urged them to put plans in place “for whatever arises”.

Ms Seery-Kearney, who told the Seanad fourteen babies are due to be born in Ukraine between now and May, said she has had a “lot of reaction”.

“We believed it was 14, but I’ve had more emails than that. It would suggest others are only becoming aware of their need to act now,” she told

“The response from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) to reassure them and make sure there are contingency plans has been excellent.”

It is understood the DFA will provide special diplomatic assistance to Irish couples expecting babies to be born in the coming months.

Sara Byrne, spokesperson for the Irish Families Through Surrogacy group, said it is working with all families and liaising with parents as any new information comes to light.

“The DFA has requested intended parents due to...