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Even though various federal laws were designed to promote clinical trials for testing products in children, a notable number of research is either not published or not completed, according to a new study. And the study authors say this is a problem because unpublished results violate ethical imperatives and cause medical literature to be incomplete.

Specifically, the researchers found that 19 percent of 559 randomized clinical trials, or 104 studies, were discontinued. Of the 455 completed trials, 30 percent, or 136 studies, were not published, according to the study, which was published Thursday in Pediatrics. More than 69,000 children participated in those studies, by the way.

Moreover, the clinical trials that were funded by industry were more than twice as likely to remain unpublished two and three years after completion. They also had a longer mean time to publication compared with trials that were sponsored by academia — 33 months versus 24 months. Drug makers were responsible for two-thirds of all trials and all of the completed trials.

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