
The Proposition 71 race has turned into the battle of the Hollywood stars actor after Mel Gibson spoke out against the $3 billion bond measure for stem cell research and offered his help to the opposition campaign.

Gibson appeared on ABC's Good Morning America Thursday and said he had an "ethical problem" with the proposition, which would make about $300 million available annually for 10 years to fund the controversial research. The measure would allow cloning for medical research only. All told, including interest, it will cost $6 billion in taxpayer money over 30 years.

Gibson also has recorded a 60-second message that he gave to the campaign Thursday. A spokesman for the No on 71 campaign said officials are still discussing how to use the message, which they said arrived unexpectedly Thursday. A spokesman said the campaign already has produced two radio advertisements, which are airing throughout the state.

"It's kind of a last-minute thing but we are glad he could join," said No on 71 spokesman Tim Rosales. "He's a great spokesperson."

Gibson is the first Hollywood celebrity...