Aggregated News

On August 22, 2022, Gov. Gavin Newsom of California signed AB-2495, which codifies certain embryo donation protocols into state law.
Donors Are Just Donors
Specifically, the new Golden State law promotes embryo donation by ensuring that donors are never considered the legal parents of children that are born from their donations. For instance, Section 7613 of the Family Code now includes:
(d) (1) A provider of an embryo for use in assisted reproduction to an intended parent who is not the provider’s spouse or nonmarital partner is treated in law as if the provider is not the natural parent of a child thereby conceived unless the court finds satisfactory evidence that the provider and the intended parent intended for the provider to be a parent.
So, unless the donor really means to be a parent, California law is now clear that the donors of donated embryos are not the legal parents of children resulting from the donated embryos. So far, there’s not much controversy on this idea.
Consent Of Egg And Sperm Providers Required
Another new section to the Family Code...