Aggregated News

Following two presidential vetoes, Rep. Mike Castle is looking ahead to the next session of Congress to pass legislation expanding embryonic stem cell research.

Legislation introduced Friday by the Delaware Republican and Rep. Diana DeGette, D-Colo, was billed as “preparation” for the next administration and Congress.

The new bill would reverse President Bush’s limitations on federal grants for such research and put in place an ethical framework for all stem cell research, including adult and embryonic. It gives the National Institutes of Health authority to develop guidelines for human stem cell research within 90 days of enactment.

“As the world's premier biomedical research institution, the NIH should have a robust stem cell research program,” Castle said. “I continue to share in the view of so many scientists that stem cell research holds great promise for alleviating the suffering of the 100 million American patients who are living with devastating diseases for which there are no good treatments or cures.”

President Bush has twice vetoed legislation supported by Castle and DeGette after issuing a 2001 directive that limited grants for conducting...