Reported Efforts to Clone Human Beings
By admin
| 07. 29. 2004
Three sets of scientists claim to be actively involved in efforts
to clone a human being:
Severino Antinori
Antinori is an Italian fertility researcher who became known
in the early 1990s for his controversial work in helping post-menopausal
women have children. In early 2001, he announced his intention
to begin active efforts intended to lead to the birth of a clonal
child. In 2002 and 2003, he made several inconsistent claims
that clonal pregnancies were underway. In May 2004, he said
that at least three babies had been born, but that he had acted
only as an "advisor" at the cloning. Although his
medical and research credentials make his claims to be engaged
in a serious cloning effort at least somewhat plausible, there
is currently no evidence to support his announcements.
Panos Zavos -,
Zavos and Antinori were partners in an effort to create a cloned
child until May 2002, when Zavos disassociated himself from
Antinori's work and claims. In May 2002, Zavos indicated that
he had assembled a 9-person team of scientists, located at two
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