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When scientists announced in 2003 they had used a pioneering technique for the first time to create so-called ‘three-parent babies’, there was international outrage with accusations that they were “playing God”.

But – as UK regulators consider whether it is medically safe to licence its use in order to prevent women with devastating inherited diseases  from passing them on to their children – the researchers have finally published an academic paper detailing their work in which they insist it is safe.

In an exclusive interview with The Independent, Dr John Zhang, who lead the team, said he regretted revealing the news in 2003, saying some of the researchers had been “so eager to be famous”.

They delayed publishing the paper because of the “heat” around the issue at the time, he said, but decided to do so now in the hope of encouraging the UK's Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) to issue a licence for the technique.

He urged them to allow it, saying it would cure a devastating disease  affecting thousands of couple and could also lead to a “new...