Aggregated News

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority granted the licence to experts at the University of Newcastle.


They are investigating new treatments for conditions including diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.


The controversial decision could open a new era of research by scientists looking for remedies for diseases.


  This is an important area of research and a responsible use of technology
Suzi Leather, Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority Listen to her interview



The research will take place at the International Centre for Life in Newcastle, involving experts from the Institute of Human Genetics at Newcastle University, and the Newcastle Fertility Centre.


Scientists there believe this is the first time such a licence has been granted in any European country.


They warn it will be at least five years - if not many more - before patients could receive stem cell treatments based on their work.


But the ProLife Party has said it is considering mounting a legal challenge against the HFEA's decision to allow the research to go ahead.


