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If you are interested in the buying and selling of human eggs, you might want to take in a California legislative hearing tomorrow in Sacramento.

Up for action in the state Senate Health Committee is a measure that would permit paying women who provide the eggs if they do so for the purposes of research. The compensation is condemned by some because of the risk of providing the eggs, which requires heavy hormonal stimulation. But legalizing payment is sought by others as an aid to science and  as a matter of equality for women.

Currently women cannot legally be paid in California for providing eggs for research but they can be paid for providing them for fertility purposes. Compensation can range upwards of $50,000, according to an analysis by the Health Committee.

The legislation, AB2531 by Assemblywoman Autumn Burke, D-Inglewood, is sponsored by the fertility industry, which is largely unregulated.  A similar measure was vetoed in 2013 by Gov. Jerry Brown who said, “Not everything in life is for sale nor should it be.”

Burke’s bill passed the...