When most people hear the word “eugenics,” they immediately think of the Nazis. And for good reason: the Nazis force-sterilized over 400,000 people and brutally murdered another 300,000, all in the name of a particular approach to eugenics called “racial hygiene.” Yet the truth is that eugenics captured the imagination of people on both sides of the political spectrum. This included progressives across Europe and North America, many of whom saw it as playing an integral role in progressive social reform.
Eugenics isn’t a new idea. Though the term itself was coined in 1883, proposals for improving the “human stock” through methods like selective breeding dates back at least to the ancient Greeks. Eugenics practices — often based on what we now describe as “ableist” beliefs — have been common throughout history. It is a monster that just won’t die, no matter how many times people have tried to bury it.
Following an annual CGS tradition, we present a selection of our favorite Biopolitical Times posts of the past year. Contributors include staff, consultants and allies. Many more posts that are worth your time can be found in the archive — scroll down and “VIEW MORE” as needed — or by using the “Advanced options” in the search function to select by Content Type &/or Date.
FOR YEARS NOW, aspiring parents have been designing their children. Screening embryos for disease-causing genes during IVF, selecting their future baby’s sex, picking egg and sperm donors to influence their child’s traits. Today, a lot of those “designer babies” are full-on...
A leading academic publisher is reviewing its decision to publish research papers by the late British professor Richard Lynn, an influential figure in the discredited field...
By Julia Brown and Daphne Martschenko, The San Francisco Standard | 11.23.2024
Aggregated News
“Pronatalist” parents like Simone and Malcolm Collins want it all: optimized babies – lots of them.
To achieve this goal, the influencer couple from Pennsylvania is using an emerging technology known as preimplantation genetic testing for polygenic disorders, or PGT-P...
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