Aggregated News

Stem-cell researchers have little time to celebrate the $3 billion that California voters lavished on them Nov. 2. There's a bureaucracy to put in place, for one thing.

On Tuesday, California officials made their second of 27 appointments to the advisory board that will oversee the $300 million per year the state will be spending. After the board is in place, there are still more appointments -- about 50 -- to be made, and fast.

The initiative's authors set a tight schedule for implementing Proposition 71, which is a response to federal restrictions on funding for stem-cell research. State officials must appoint 27 of a 29-member Independent Citizen's Oversight Committee, or ICOC, by Dec. 17, and hand out the first grants by the end of March. The chair and co-chair will be elected by the ICOC.

By mid-January, the ICOC must appoint about 50 members to three working groups, who will advise the ICOC on which grant proposals should be funded.

"The hope is that this institute will move very rapidly," said Robert Klein, who helped draft the legislation, at...