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Till a few years ago, egg donation was considered to be a 'life-giver' to many childless couples desiring their own children. But over the years, this charitable act has now become a lucrative trade. Egg donors today have more business concerns than social. In such a background, the term ‘egg donation’ seems to be a misnomer.

Many women from the lower income groups have taken to egg donation to support their families. It is fast becoming a trade with touts and a well-developed mechanism to get the business going. Fertility clinics have also cashed in on the boom.

So, what is this 'egg donation' business all about? Majority of donations are driven more by money than goodwill. The physical attributes of a donor decide the price of service. Costs vary from Rs 4,000 to 10,000 per cycle of donation.

Parul Kotdawala, an In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) expert said: “Price is a tricky issue. If the woman has desirable physical attributes such as fair skin and good features, the donation will fetch anything up to Rs 10,000 per cycle of donation.”
