
Californians strongly supported Proposition 71, a bond measure that will bankroll $3 billion worth of stem-cell research and could make the state a global leader in the pioneering field.

The landmark measure was headed to victory by a wide margin, consistent with its lead in recent polls. Its support was greatest in coastal and urban counties, and lowest in rural counties.

An Associated Press exit poll found that supporters tended to be liberal; opponents described themselves as conservative. This poll also found that frequent churchgoers were far more likely to oppose the measure than people who rarely attend church. Men and women supported it about equally.

This ambitious and expensive initiative will invigorate a field that has hampered by federal funding restrictions, providing a reliable stream of money for research.

``This is a historic victory for the people of California and for the millions of families suffering from disease or injury,'' said Robert Klein, co-chair of the Yes on 71 campaign. ``There is no doubt in my mind that the mission Californians accepted today is a critical first step in...