Aggregated News

UC names five executives to oversight committee; advisory group is started.
LOS ANGELES - As the University of California named five top executives to the stem cell research oversight committee Wednesday, Proposition 71's campaign chairman said he's launched a privately funded organization to advise that panel on the "best practices" for doing its job.
Robert Klein II said he founded the California Research and Cures Coalition to develop recommendations for setting high standards and ethical regulations governing the $3 billion in stem cell research voters approved Nov. 2.

"This nonprofit entity is going to collaborate with a number of entities across the country to identify the best practices (for embryonic stem cell research) so that the Institute (for Regenerative Medicine created by the initiative) has the information and can draw from many sources," he said.

The new organization, he said, would also educate the public about research breakthroughs to build support for the controversial investigations using cells from days-old embryos.

In addition, he said the organization would have a separate political arm to lobby against proposed federal legislation seeking to...