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CHRIS UHLMANN, PRESENTER: It's perfectly rational for someone who is desperately ill to seek a miracle cure and that leads some to scour the internet for new treatments like stem cell therapies.

But Australia's leading group of stem cell scientists is warning that rogue operators are charging tens of thousands of dollars for treatments that are completely ineffectual or worse. Some can lead to more health problems and even death. And in Australia, a Therapeutic Goods Administration loophole means the number of dubious stem cell therapies is on the rise.

Louise Milligan reports.

LOUISE MILLIGAN, REPORTER: For Annie Levrington, getting ready every morning is a laborious process.

Her husband has to help her with even the most basic tasks - blowing her nose, doing her hair.

ANNIE LEVRINGTON: It's very hard. I can't do my hair in a ponytail. I have to get Eden, my husband, to help me. I can get the elastic around so far and then it gets stuck. The fingers won't open to put the elastic around to...