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Sunday's vote, in which 62.4% of people backed the change, is the second time in a year that the Swiss have been called to decide on the issue. 

Last June voters approved the cabinet’s revision to the Swiss constitution, which created a legal framework within which preimplantation genetic testing of embryos could be practised, but without detailed guidelines.

Parliament then modified the RMA to provide such guidelines, but opponents argued that the language of the revised law was too broad, forcing a referendum.

Implementation wheels in motion

In a press conference Sunday afternoon, Interior Minister Alain Berset said that the Swiss population's second majority vote in favour of preimplantation genetic tests meant that they should be implemented in the country in about a year, in four or five select clinics. But first, the cabinet would need to discuss the application of the revised RMA.

Parliamentarian Regine Sauter of the centre-right Radical Party and the committee in favour of the law, said in a statement on Sunday that the result "is nice proof of the confidence of citizens, and shows that the...