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Local donations to IVF clinics have all but stopped since it became easier for children to track down their biological fathers.

IVF Australia head Professor Michael Chapman told The Sunday Telegraph that donor shortages had become critical, falling from 100 to 10 at his clinic in the past four years.

"Last year we only had two or three donors on our books," Professor Chapman said. "Today around Australia there are about 50 donors, but the demand is still substantially higher than that."

As a result, IVF Australia started importing sperm from the US two months ago.

Professor Chapman said donor imports were "not ideal" but would help reduce waiting times for insemination.

In January last year a law came into effect stating that all sperm donors must agree to provide identifying information so that the child would be able to contact them once they reached 18.

Fertility specialist Professor Peter Illingworth said the change in the law was dir-

ectly linked to the drop-off in sperm donors.

"There is no doubt that when the law was first introduced, it affected...