
A translucent globe is surrounded by multiple lines between continents.

The race to make babies from three people is a major worry, duping couples and a dangerous experiment on mums and babies, warn scientists and ethicists.

The UK, which pioneered the advanced form of IVF, was the first country to introduce laws to allow the creation of babies from three people.

Yet the first baby was born in Mexico.

And despite the technique being designed to eliminate disease, it has been used as an unproven fertility booster in Ukraine.

Both countries have less fertility regulation than the UK.

How to make a three-person baby?

Three-person IVF was devised to prevent the repeated heartache of losing children to illnesses caused by defective mitochondria.

The tiny structures in our bodies convert food into useable energy and are passed on only through the mother's egg.

Three-person IVF takes the DNA from mum and dad and puts it in an egg from a donor woman. The resulting child has 0.1% of its DNA from the donor.

Why make babies from three people?

The advanced form of IVF was developed at Newcastle University...