
Opponents of the California pay-for-eggs bill have kicked off a campaign to urge Gov. Jerry Brown to veto the industry-backed legislation.

The Center for Genetics and Society of Berkeley yesterday posted a pitch on its website urging readers to contact the governor's office by email, fax, phone or letter. The target is a bill that would remove the ban in California on paying women for their eggs for stem cell and other scientific research. Women can already be paid for their eggs for fertility purposes.

Diane Tober, associate executive director of the center, wrote,
“If you agree that more research on short- and long-term risks is needed before expanding the market for women’s eggs, please act quickly. Contact Governor Brown and ask him to veto AB926.”
Also making the same pitch is the Alliance for Humane Biology, another San Francisco Bay area organization.

The bill, AB926 by Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla, D-Concord, has literally been cloaked in motherhood/reproductive issues. The measure has easily swept through the legislature and is now on its way to the governor. The bill is sponsored...