Aggregated News

An individual clasps hands over face, suggesting feelings of being overwhelmed or stressed.

Women are choosing to freeze their eggs to gain time to find the right partner rather than to pursue their careers, new research suggests.

Based on interviews with 31 heterosexual women who had frozen their eggs for non-medical reasons, researchers discovered that the greatest motivation was because the women said they had not found the right man to father their child.

“Women weren’t engaging with technology for their career, they didn’t necessarily seek to delay, [or] put off motherhood, but it was very much more about they wanted to pursue motherhood at the right time, in the right way, with this right partner,” said lead researcher Kylie Baldwin, of the Reproduction Research group at the UK’s De Montfort University.

“Women’s use of this technology is often driven by their relationships with men,” said Baldwin. “Instead of it being focused on egg freezing being a women’s concern, I think it needs to be broadened - I think men need to be brought into the picture more and there needs to be a more well-rounded understanding about why women engage with this...