Announcing BioPolicyWiki: An online tool tracking global biotechnology policies

Posted by Jesse Reynolds September 18, 2008
Biopolitical Times

The Center for Genetics and Society is excited to announce the debut of the first wiki-style compendium of human biotechnology policies around the world.

BioPolicyWiki displays policies governing human genetic and reproductive technologies and practices for all countries, as well as policies adopted by major intergovernmental organizations. Both charts and narrative descriptions of the policies are included.

The "wiki" format means that anyone can edit BioPolicyWiki. With users' contributions, the initial collection of legal and policy information will grow in quantity and quality.

Currently included practices are:
Eggs for assisted reproduction
Eggs for research
Inheritable genetic modification
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
Reproductive cloning
Research cloning
Sex selection

We invite you to explore, edit, and contribute to BioPolicyWiki.