A Better Road for Obama on Stem Cells

Posted by Jesse Reynolds September 25, 2008
Biopolitical Times
The presidential campaign of Democratic Senator Barack Obama has launched radio advertisements touting his support for stem cell research, in response to those from Republican nominee Senator John McCain. While McCain's were potentially misleading due to their vagueness, Obama's are clearly misleading because of inaccuracies, as numerous observers have noted.  

But Obama doesn't need to accuse McCain of opposing embryonic stem cell research, when in fact McCain has voted for it repeatedly. The Democratic campaign merely needs to put its opponent on the spot for his recent wavering on whether he would, if elected, actually lift the restrictions on the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.

Politics is a rough and dirty game, and the stakes this season are remarkably high. And Obama has been criticized for not hitting back strongly enough at McCain. But needlessly mischaracterizing his opponent's record only leaves him vulnerable.