CGS’ Hayes on ‘Our Biopolitical Future’

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Check out the latest edition of WorldWatch, where CGS Executive Director Richard Hayes maps out four different scenarios for the biopolitical future between 2007-2021. The scenarios are:

* Libertarian Transhumanism Triumphs
* One Family, One Future
* A Techno-Eugenic Arms Race
* For the Common Good

Here's how one scenario begins:

"The opening years of the 21st century were marked by controversy over cloning, stem cells, and human genetic modification. Opinion surveys showed strong support for the development of genetic technology for medical purposes, but controversies involving blackmail attempts using stolen sperm donor records, the deaths of clonal primates at a lab in Oregon, and shady financial practices by leading bioethicists began to raise doubts. Although the new genetic technologies attracted many sincere, socially responsible researchers, by 2009 the field was increasingly dominated by dismissively arrogant scientists, unscrupulous fertility clinic operators, traffickers in clonal embryos, and out-and-out racist eugenicists."