Feminist scholars address reproductive technologies

Posted by Marcy Darnovsky February 11, 2009
Biopolitical Times
An upcoming conference will focus on the global social, economic and political repercussions of new forms of reproduction. "The Politics of Reproduction: New Technologies of Life" will take place on February 28 at New York City's Barnard Center for Research on Women.

The conference organizers write:
These new technologies have created a "baby business" that is largely unregulated and that raises a number of important social and ethical questions.

Do these new technologies place women and children at risk? Should there be limits on how reproductive technologies are used? How should we respond ethically to the ability of these technologies to test for genetic illnesses? And how can we ensure that marginalized individuals, for example, people with disabilities, women of color, and low-income women, have equal access to these new technologies and adoption practices?