The New CGS Website and Blog

Posted by August 2, 2007
Biopolitical Times
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If you are a returning visitor, you'll see that we've dramatically overhauled CGS's website and blog. It's been a long time in development, but the features are worth the wait. For example, all of our publications, newsletter articles, blog posts, and news articles are now tagged with multiple topics, allowing the reader to easily find related material. We now offer several RSS feeds for the blog and other parts of the website: one for the blog, one for the news articles, one for the features, and one that aggregates everything. If you have been monitoring this blog via an RSS feed on the earlier platform, you'll need to update your reader.

We've also added sharing services such as and Digg. For now, you'll need to click on the headline of a blog post before sharing it via these services. We plan to soon add the share services at the end of each post on the list view of the blog.

One drawback, however, is that all comments submitted on the previous blog platform were lost. We apologize for that.

Please let us know of errors, or other comments, at info [AT] geneticsandsociety [DOT] org.