One more stem cell opinion

Posted by Jesse Reynolds March 13, 2009
Biopolitical Times

Here's one more commentary that I wish to add to my recent compilation of opinions following the change in federal stem cell policy. This comes from Melody Barnes, President Obama's domestic policy adviser and director of the Domestic Policy Council. In an op-ed in yesterday's San Francisco Chronicle, she wrote:

In the Obama administration, the scientific community will be empowered, but not unaccountable. Scientists who wish to conduct stem cell research must do so in a responsible manner and the president Obama will not allow scientists to leave our shared values at the laboratory door....

We must move forward, but we must do so in a responsible, respectful manner. Stem cell research is the subject of diverse, deeply held views. While we will not always agree, the president respects these views. The Obama administration will support stem cell research only when it is scientifically worthy, and carried out responsibly. Our administration will ensure stem cell research is never taken lightly, conducted unnecessarily or abused.

The president will vigorously oppose cloning for human reproduction. It is dangerous, it is wrong, and it will not be tolerated. The National Institutes of Health will continue to be prohibited from funding research during which an embryo is destroyed.