Katie Hasson

Katie Hasson, PhD, writes, speaks, researches, and teaches about the social and political aspects of human genetic and reproductive technologies. Katie earned her PhD in Sociology with a Designated Emphasis in Women, Gender, and Sexuality from the University of California, Berkeley, and was previously Assistant Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at the University of Southern California.

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In the News

Magnified image of human blood cells, displayed in black and white.
By Katie Hasson, GeneWatch | 08.06.2018

A wave of controversy about reproductive gene editing gathered force in response to reports in 2015 of the first CRISPR...

An individual's hand is held to a scanning machine for fingerprinting.
By Sarah Russo, The Technoskeptic [Cites CGS' Katie Hasson] | 08.01.2018

A common belief of technocentrism is that if we have the ability, why not use it? The rapid advancements in...

Researcher extracts DNA from a test tube using a micropipette.
By Sarah Russo, The Technoskeptic [cites CGS' Katie Hasson] | 07.11.2018

Genetic Testing Kits: Fueling a Historical Discrimination Bias?
The diversity of snowflakes is a great analogy to that of the...

Biopolitical Times