Katie Hasson

Katie Hasson, PhD, writes, speaks, researches, and teaches about the social and political aspects of human genetic and reproductive technologies. Katie earned her PhD in Sociology with a Designated Emphasis in Women, Gender, and Sexuality from the University of California, Berkeley, and was previously Assistant Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at the University of Southern California.

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In the News

Silhouettes of prisoners behind a fence.
By Emily Mullin, Medium One Zero [cites CGS' Katie Hasson] | 01.08.2020

This week, the United States government will begin collecting DNA samples from thousands of people detained by immigration officials, including...

Blue stylized images of DNA
By Isabelle Altman, The Dispatch [cites CGS' Katie Hasson] | 07.06.2019

A strand of DNA analyzed in a rape kit from 1990 was the key piece of evidence in Starkville Police...

An embryo being fertilized
By Katie Hasson, The Hill | 06.10.2019

Late last year, scientist He Jiankui announced the birth of the world’s first genetically modified babies. He deployed a...

Biopolitical Times

The November 2017 issue of Nature Biotechnology included a special focus on “Humans 2.0.” The articles (currently available...

On Tuesday, November 14, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee held a hearing on “Gene Editing...

On September 20, Nature published a study led by Kathy Niakan at the Francis Crick Institute in London that used...