Human Genetic Engineering and Cloning Resource Page

  1. Articles and Presentations
  2. Resource Pages
  3. Non-Fiction Books
  4. Video and Audio



The Case Against Perfection
Michael J. Sandel, The Atlantic Monthly
April 2004.

My Fair Baby:What’s Wrong with Parents Genetically Enhancing Their Children?
David Wasserman, A chapter from the anthology Genetic Prospects, ed. Verna V. Gehring, Rowman & Littlefield, 2004.

Genetically Modified Babies
Marcy Darnovsky, The New York Times
February 23rd, 2014

A Slippery Slope to Human Germline Modification
Marcy Darnovsky, Nature
July 9th, 2013

Genetically Modified Humans? No Thanks.
Richard Hayes, Washington Post
April 15th, 2008

Inequality, Democracy and the New Human Biotechnologies
Richard Hayes, Presentation at Inequality, Democracy and the New Human Biotechnologies: A Threshold Challenge for the 21st Century, New York, NY
July 15th, 2004

Challenges of Emerging Technologies: Reproductive Cloning and Inheritable Genetic Modification  Marcy Darnovsky, presentation at Gender and Justice in the Gene Age, New York, NY
May 7th, 2004

The New Eugenics: The Case Against Genetically Modified Humans
Marcy Darnovsky, Different Takes
Spring 2000

Cloning and Germline Intervention: U.S. Perspectives Perspectives on Reproductive Technologies and Biomedicine
Marcy Darnovsky
October 13th, 2003

Editing DNA Could be Genetic Medicine Breakthrough
by Stephanie M. Lee, San Francisco Chronicle
September 7th, 2014


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3 Person Embryo Page
Learn more about controversial research on "3-person embryos": how it works, where the research is taking place, the social and ethical implications, and how you can get involved in the discussion.

Research Cloning Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common questions concerning research cloning

Inheritable Genetic Modification Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common questions concerning inheritable genetic modification

Inheritable Genetic Modification Arguments Pro/Con
Summary of the arguments for and against inheritable genetic modification as well as rebuttals to each side

Inheritable Genetic Modification Basic Science
A basic explanation of the science behind genetic modification.

Medical Gene Transfer Arguments Pro and Con
Short summary of the main arguments for and against medical gene transfer

Reproductive Cloning Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common questions concerning human reproductive cloning

Reproductive Cloning Arguments Pro/Con
Summary of the arguments for and against reproductive cloning as well as rebuttals to each side

Reproductive Cloning Basic Science
Reproductive cloning means creating a genetic duplicate of an existing organism. A human clone would be a genetic duplicate of an existing person.

Research Cloning Basic Science
A basic explanation of the science behind research cloning.

Research Cloning Arguments Pro/Con
Summary of the arguments for and against research cloning as well as rebuttals to each side

Failure to Pass Federal Cloning legislation, 1997-2003
There are no United States federal statutes against cloning. Congress failed to pass legislation in the 1997-98 session. In 2001 the House of Representatives passed a bill to ban both reproductive and research cloning, which President Bush indicated he would sign. The Senate tabled the legislation and a vote was never taken.

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Human Genetic Engineering
Pete Shanks
The debate over human Genetic Engineering (Ge) is about to go mainstream. Not as a one-day wonder about cloning or a theological disagreement about embryos, but as a major political issue, driven in part by a grassroots movement of opposition. Human Genetic Engineering is a highly readable and entertaining guide. It explains in accessible language for a popular audience the essential questions that will arise in the future debates: What is human Ge? Will it work? What perspectives should we remember? Who is doing what, and why?



Bill McKibben
McKibben offers a celebration of what it means to be human, and a warning that we risk the loss of all meaning if we step across the threshold. Instantly acclaimed for its passion and insight, this wise and eloquent book argues that we cannot forever grow in reach and power—that we must at last learn how to say, "Enough."


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Human Futures and Human Rights
George Annas, Tarrytown 2010

Humans 2.0 Will Your Grandchildren Be Genetically Modified?
September 28th, 2004
A colloquium presented by the The Knight Program for Science and Environmental Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley School of Journalism

DNA Dreams 2013
What if you were allowed to have only one child and had the option of selecting its genes? Would you choose for a natural or a designer baby? Every day new technologies are bringing us closer a brave new world of enhanced human beings 2.0…. What kind of world will that be? The documentary DNA Dreams features a new generation of scientists at BGI, China’s leading genomics research institute. The film follows 18-year-old scientist Zhao Bowen, who wants to find the genetic basis of intelligence by analyzing the DNA of 2,000 highly gifted children

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