
Image by Gennie Stafford from Flickr

These days, it’s a rare scientist who would admit to working in eugenics.

The word conjures historical horrors: mass sterilization of people judged unfit to reproduce, state anti-miscegenation laws, and Germany’s justification for the...

Image by NIH Image Gallery from Flickr

The Biopolitical Times reported this month that the California stem cell and gene therapy program “seems to be in serious trouble.”

 “On first glance, it may look impressive, with over a thousand patients...

Partial screenshot from The Bridge Recombination Mechanism
video by The Arc Institute on YouTube (CC)

Buried in a family...

Historically, the disability and reproductive rights movements have operated separately, “just ignoring each other,” as one advocate put it, as...

DNA strands and moneybags on green background
By Oriol Güell, El País | 07.07.2024

Image by Nick Youngson from Pix4free

Darius is 15 years old and is a dazzling example of how medical research...

synthetic embryo graphic
By Ian Sample, The Guardian | 07.04.2024

Biological models of human embryos that can develop heartbeats, spinal cords and other distinctive features will be governed by a ...

Purple-colored sickle cells over a white background
By Robert F. Service, Science | 07.04.2024

Image by Ed Uthman from Flickr

Last year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved two gene therapy procedures...

Japanese flag in front of a corporate building
By Justin McCurry, The Guardian | 07.03.2024

Photo by Roméo A. on Unsplash

Japan’s supreme court has ordered the government to pay damages to dozens of people...

Image of coins spilling from glass jar
By Gilma Avalos, NBC | 07.03.2024

Image by Josh Appel from Unsplash

The dream of becoming parents is turning into a nightmare for hundreds of people...

image of stem cells
By Peter Aldhous, Scientific American | 07.02.2024

In June a notice posted on the website of the journal Nature set a new scientific record. It withdrew what...

Image of the supreme court building
By Michael Hiltzik, LA Times | 07.02.2024

Photo by Claire Anderson on Unsplash

Second only to the Supreme Court’s ruling Monday on when presidents are immune from...

depiction of IVF process
By Sonia Suter and Naomi Cahn, PET | 07.01.2024

Image by Dusdn5959 from Wikimedia Commons

Since the US Supreme Court's 2022 decision to overturn Roe v Wade (see BioNews ...