
Nobel Prize for CRISPR | Eugenics Ancient and Modern | GM Horses

Eugenics Again | Surrogacy & Racial Justice | A Step toward CRISPR Babies?

Road Map to CRISPR Babies: Report and Reactions

Manufacturing Opinion, Manufacturing Gametes, Confronting Techno-Utopianism

Why Does a Private Equity Mega-Firm Want Your DNA? | Egg Providers Speak Out

Surrogacy During the Pandemic? | COVID, Data, DNA, the Future

Human-Animal Chimeras | Bioethics in the Time of COVID | Billions for Stem Cell Research?

Bad-News Week for Eugenics & Heritable Genome Editing

Black Lives Matter | COVID & eugenics | Surrogacy scandals

Eugenics and Rights in the Shadow of the Pandemic

Our work goes on | COVID-19 casts light on inequality and human biotechnologies

CGS at Doha Debates and TedX

Calling for a Course Correction on Germline Editing

After the “CRISPR Babies” Sentencing: Where Do We Go From Here?

The “CRISPR Babies” Scandal, One Year Later

Abuse in the IVF Industry | CIRM Asks Californians for Billions More