
Human Germline Modification, Ethics, Stem Cell Hype

Reframing: From germline tropes to "de-extinction" and "newgenics"

Debate on Genetically Modified Humans Heats Up!

Keep Germline Gene Editing Off Limits

A Tipping Point on Human Germline Modification?

Modifying human reproduction, consumer genetics and eugenic reparations

Mitochondrial Mission Creep and the Cloning Connection

"3-Person IVF" in the UK and US Precision Medicine Initiative

New Attention to Dangers of Germline Modification and AI

Biotech bad boy, neurotech good guys and more

Everything Important in Biopolitics 2014 (or Close to It)

Genetically engineered humans? 4 technologies to watch

Human enhancement, research cloning and bio-patents

Dismissing Science, Teaching Eugenics and Freeing (?) DNA

Frozen Eggs, Rented Wombs, Gene Tests and God

Dangerous Analogy, Syn Bio Defined (yet again)