Animal Biotechnologies

Genetic modification, cloning, and other biological engineering techniques are widely used on animals in agricultural and research settings. Some of these applications are controversial for environmental, health, animal welfare, or other reasons. For example, only a small percentage of animal cloning attempts produce live offspring. Human-animal chimeras raise concerns including what to do if they display human-like behavioral characteristics and whether such creatures can be patented and owned. Biotech developments in animals may preview technologies destined for use in humans.

Biopolitical Times
"Black-footed Ferret Kits" by USFWS Mountain Prairie is licensed under CC BY 2.0 The New York Times published on February 18 an enthusiastic article about a black-footed ferret, hailing it as “the first of any native, endangered animal species in North America to be cloned.”

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"People across the country have made it clear that they don’t want to eat genetically engineered salmon, and food retailers are clearly listening” – Friends of the Earth

Top grocery retailers Walmart, Costco, Albertsons, Kroger, Ahold, Aldi, Trader Joe’s, Whole...

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The mouse embryos looked perfectly normal. All their organs were developing as expected, along with their limbs and circulatory and...

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This spring, the biotechnology company Oxitec plans to release genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes in the Florida Keys. Oxitec says its technology...

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Biopolitical Times
Biopolitical Times

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