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The whether of heritable human genome editing has not been resolved, and yet some scientists continue to race ahead with the how of it, essentially ignoring the myriad calls for public consultation. I don’t agree with this position. As I write in a new book, “Altered Inheritance,” we need to move the dial from public education to public engagement.

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The unique benefit of germline editing is extremely limited in its application—a fact that must be emphasized in the discussions surrounding germline editing.

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Building on the flawed logic that providing support to the poor incentivizes poverty and encourages low-income people to reproduce to take advantage of social support, Trump touts the curtailment of SNAP as a backward way of combating poverty itself.

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In the 20th century, the U.S. and Canada carried out a quiet genocide against Indigenous women through coerced sterilization. In 2019, it’s still happening.
Logo of  Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) located on wall of office.

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Mike Pence speaks in front of podium, with CPAC American Conservative Union banner.

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Portrait of Mitalipov

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A patient's arm is getting blood drawn out.

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True Allele brand logo

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DNA agarose gel on a UV lightbox

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