Public Opinion

Public opinion surveys seek to capture views on biotechnology at specific historical moments and track shifts over time. They can also provide clues about how public views are shaped by high-profile events, political climates, and cultural shifts. The Center for Genetics and Society has collected poll data from 1986 to the present. There are two main pages covering opinion polls on Heritable Human Genetic Modification and Cloning and on Animal and Pet Cloning. Sources are provided, though some external links may no longer be operative.

Biopolitical Times
Here’s a provocative headline and subhead from OneZero, a publication by Medium, above an article by Emily Mullin published on August 17: Men Are Twice as Likely to Support Genetically Engineered Babies Than Women The public may be ready for gene-edited babies. This is clearly an attention-grabber...
Biopolitical Times

If you ask the wrong question, you will certainly get the wrong answer. Likewise, if your questions are confusing or misleading, you may get answers that don’t make sense. In the worst of all worlds, the answers, right or wrong, can be misinterpreted to say something they clearly don’t.

The Pew survey of global attitudes to biotechnology research published on December 10 asks the wrong questions in a confusing way. This is significant, in itself and even more because all...

Internal Content

This page displays the results of more than 60 major public opinion surveys about four...

Aggregated News

On 7 November 2020, moments before Kamala Harris and Joe Biden began their victory speeches, giant screens flanking the stage...

Close up of the feet of a newborn baby laying on a white bed in a hospital. The baby has a hospital tag around its right ankle.

Aggregated News

Biopolitical Times
The Canadian flag (Red, White, and the another Red strip with a red maple leaf in the middle of the white section of flag) waving in the trees in front of a large body of water.

Aggregated News

White pregnancy test with a light purple cap on a white background.

Aggregated News

A pair of hands are typing on a laptop computer with lines of code across it. There is a black mug with white writing on it in the background of the picture.

Aggregated News

Burnt orange background with a shadow of two children holding hands. There is a boy on the left and a girl with pigtails on the right.

Aggregated News