Racial Justice

Biologists and social scientists agree that race is a social category, not a biological or genetic one. Yet the idea that genetic lines can be drawn between racial groups continues to make its way into human genetic research and biotechnologies. Examples can be found in some genetic studies on racialized health disparities, direct-to-consumer genetic ancestry tests, and race-specific drugs. These products and practices are both inaccurate and socially pernicious when they reduce race to a set of biological markers and fail to address racism and the social, political, environmental, and economic inequalities that continue to make race a salient social category. 

Aggregated News

Law, Africana-studies, and sociology professor Dorothy Roberts describes race as a “political category that has been disguised as a biological one.” It’s a hard concept for many to grasp. Physical features associated with race, such as skin and hair color...

Biopolitical Times

You may have recently seen an AncestryDNA ad that ran during the 2018 Winter Olympics. The video features a young white female figure skater gliding around the rink. A voice-over narration tells us,

Greatness lives within all of us. And with AncestryDNA on sale for just $69, now is the time to discover yours. You can find out where you get your precision (cue onscreen pie chart graphic: ‘Scandinavia 48%’), your grace (‘27% Central Asia’), your drive (‘21% Great Britain’)...

Biopolitical Times
We are in a moment of extreme challenge for each of us and for our country's future – yet again...
Biopolitical Times

Image of Sonoma State Home, site of the highest number of eugenic sterilizations in California, courtesy of Alexandra Minna Stern...

Shadow of a pregnant woman standing.

Aggregated News

Two authorities in yellow jackets look directly at the camera, with an eye of suspicion. One of them holds out a DNA swabbing spit kit.

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Separate black and white portraits juxtaposing Lewis Terman and David Starr Jordan.

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Shelves of microfilm.

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Two white officers handcuff a young black teen on the side of the police vehicle.

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A male lab technician in a red coat and a blue face mask sits at a desk. He is concentrated on inserting a sample of DNA from a pipette into a test tube. A test tube rack is placed on his desk along with a hazardous waste basket and other equipment.

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Two generic passports are covered by a stamp block turned on its side.

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