
Theological beliefs shape faith communities’ approaches to human biotechnologies, which have the potential to redefine our understandings of life itself. Religious perspectives on human biotechnologies vary widely depending, in part, on the specific application. Many religious leaders oppose heritable genome editing and reproductive cloning on the basis of social, ethical, and theological objections. Views on research involving human embryos vary; many conservative Christian denominations, for example, oppose embryonic stem cell research.

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Beth Moore is still making waves. On April 7, soon after announcing her departure from the Southern Baptist Convention, she took to Twitter to proclaim complementarianism “a doctrine of MAN” and to beg forgiveness for supporting the theology of male...

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There were 2,107 anti-Semitic incidents reported in the US in 2019—a record-breaking year as tracked by the Anti-Defamation League, and almost double the rate reported in 2016. The resurgence of anti-Semitism is partly attributed to the mainstreaming of QAnon, a...

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WHAT HAS been known until now about China’s persecution of the Uighurs and other Muslims in Xinjiang province has focused...

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This page displays the results of more than 60 major public opinion surveys about four...

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Writing on genes

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A male baby rests his arms on the top of an outdoor bench and looks into the distance.

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A little girl holds adults hands as they balance walking.

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Close up of a pregnant belly covered by a t-shirt. A hand gently rests caressing its side. The picture is filtered with gray scale.

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A microphone rests on a stand and is spotlighted, against a solid black background.

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Gray scale image of a Frankenstein character.

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A person in a lab coat and gloved hands uses tongs to life up a bottle that has been stored in cryopreservation

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