Marcy Darnovsky

Marcy Darnovsky, PhD, speaks and writes widely on the politics of human biotechnology, focusing on their social justice and public interest implications. Her articles have appeared in The New York Times, Nature, The Guardian, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Law and Policy Review, Democracy, New Scientist and many others. She has appeared on dozens of television, radio, and online news shows and has been interviewed and cited in hundreds of news and magazine articles. She has worked as an organizer and advocate in a range of environmental and progressive political movements, and taught courses at Sonoma State University and at California State University East Bay. Her Ph.D. is from the History of Consciousness program at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

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By Marcy Darnovsky and Jesse Reynolds, Biodiversity: The Newsletter of the Consultative Group on Biological Diversity (Winter 2010) | 02.24.2010

Synthetic biology is the rapidly developing field devoted to engineering life from the ground up. It has recently generated headlines...

By Marcy Darnovsky, Progress in Bioethics | 01.29.2010

From The MIT Press announcement:

Progress in Bioethics: Science, Policy, and Politics
Edited by Jonathan D. Moreno and Sam...

By Marcy Darnovsky, 2020 Science | 12.14.2009

Much appreciation is due to Andrew for his courage in soliciting "alternative perspectives" on technology innovation and life in the...

In the News

White pencil writing a double strand of DNA on a blue background
By Karen Weintraub, Scientific American [cites CGS' Marcy Darnovsky] | 03.13.2019

A group of 18 prominent scientists—including some who helped develop CRISPR–Cas9, the current leading tool for gene editing—issued a call...

Depiction of CRISPR--purple strand of DNA being cut from them middle of two orange strands
By Rob Stein , National Public Radio [cites CGS' Marcy Darnovsky] | 03.13.2019

A group of prominent scientists and bioethicists is calling for a global moratorium on any new attempts to bring gene-edited...

Microscopic picture of egg cells and embryos
By Rob Stein, National Public Radio [cites Marcy Darnovsky] | 02.01.2019

A scientist in New York is conducting experiments designed to modify DNA in human embryos as a step toward someday...

Biopolitical Times