Marcy Darnovsky

Marcy Darnovsky, PhD, speaks and writes widely on the politics of human biotechnology, focusing on their social justice and public interest implications. Her articles have appeared in The New York Times, Nature, The Guardian, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Law and Policy Review, Democracy, New Scientist and many others. She has appeared on dozens of television, radio, and online news shows and has been interviewed and cited in hundreds of news and magazine articles. She has worked as an organizer and advocate in a range of environmental and progressive political movements, and taught courses at Sonoma State University and at California State University East Bay. Her Ph.D. is from the History of Consciousness program at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

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In the News

A bird's eye view of a spiraling staircase cascading downward.
By Malihe Razazan, KALW's Your Call [features Marcy Darnovsky] | 10.03.2017

CRISPR, the powerful gene editing technique that enables the precise modification of genes, is revolutionizing medicine and biotechnology. It can...

A cracked light bulb is tipped on its side,a weak current is visible causing a glow. The background has an eerie mix of black and white colors and shadow.
By Jim Kozubek, Los Angeles Review of Books [cites CGS] | 09.07.2017

TWO TRENDS are on the rise, and one is about to make the other worse.

The first is epitomized in...

Microsopic image of fertilized egg.
By Karla Lant, Futurism [cites CGS' Marcy Darnovsky] | 08.21.2017

As the scientific community takes in the work of the team who edited the DNA of the human embryos this


Biopolitical Times