Pete Shanks

Pete Shanks, MA, attended Oxford University, where he studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and moved to California in the mid-1970s. He has been active in a range of local and international political movements, while mostly making his living in the publishing industry, especially on the production side; he enjoys the craft of bookmaking. Appalled by the eugenic possibilities of biotechnology, he has consulted with the Center for Genetics and Society since its earliest days. He is the author of Human Genetic Engineering: A Guide for Activists, Skeptics, and the Very Perplexed (Nation Books) and a regular contributor to Biopolitical Times.

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By Pete Shanks, The Huffington Post | 06.09.2014

Nicholas Wade's book A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History has been out for a month, and the fuss...

By Pete Shanks, Huffington Post | 10.28.2013

Dominic Cummings, a senior adviser to the UK Secretary of State for Education, recently provoked a flurry of complaints by...

By Pete Shanks, Huffington Post | 10.03.2013

Has Google gone right off the deep end? It's common for techies to be infatuated with transhumanism and other far-out...

In the News

Illustration of cells
By Pete Shanks, Medium | 02.02.2018

Let’s Not Distort Debates about Human Cloning and Heritable Gene Editing

Cloning is back in the headlines. Researchers managed to...

Three boxes of 23andMe kits stand upright in a line. Two of the boxes have been blurred, and one of them is centrally focused.
By Pete Shanks, Medical Laboratory Observer | 07.25.2017

The direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing industry has been around for just over a decade. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration...

A wooden-like figure of a child builds a colorful tower of blocks. The child sits in a background surrounded by white and black checkered flooring.
By Pete Shanks, Deccan Chronicle | 01.01.2017

The next year may represent our best chance to prevent the rise of a modern, uncontrolled and dangerously ill-considered techno-eugenics...

Biopolitical Times

23andMe’s stock price since late 2020

23andMe, the first-off-the-blocks personal genomics company, has been struggling lately. In October, there were...

Screenshot from 1988 SNL skit

Modern transhumanists can be remarkably absurd. Case in point: the Enhanced Games. Peter Thiel...

Dean Phillips campaign event, 1/17/24; image by
Artaxerxes, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Political rookies are rarely elected...