Pete Shanks

Pete Shanks, MA, attended Oxford University, where he studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and moved to California in the mid-1970s. He has been active in a range of local and international political movements, while mostly making his living in the publishing industry, especially on the production side; he enjoys the craft of bookmaking. Appalled by the eugenic possibilities of biotechnology, he has consulted with the Center for Genetics and Society since its earliest days. He is the author of Human Genetic Engineering: A Guide for Activists, Skeptics, and the Very Perplexed (Nation Books) and a regular contributor to Biopolitical Times.

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Biopolitical Times

A year ago, this November 25, the world was told that two genetically modified babies had been born. We have...

In June, Russian molecular biologist Denis Rebrikov caused a stir by threatening to perform heritable genome editing. At the...

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) published this tweet on September 30, 2019, at 12:05 p.m. EDT:

